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The Chase for Business website offers wire transfers at Chasecom


Wires sent using the Chase Mobile app or chase.com to a bank outside the U.S. in foreign currency (FX) have no Chase wire fee for amounts equal to $5,000 USD or more, and only a $5 Chase wire fee when less than $5,000 USD. Chase wire fees and availability vary by product.


The foreign exchange rates we use are determined by us in our sole discretion. We may make a commission providing foreign currency exchange services to you. You should expect that these foreign exchange rates will be less favorable than rates quoted online or in publications. The exchange rate we use will include a spread and may include commissions or other costs that we, our affiliates, or our vendors may charge in providing foreign currency exchange to you. The exchange rate may vary among customers depending on your relationship, products with us, or the type of transaction being conducted, the dollar amount, type of currency, and the date and time of the exchange, and whether the transaction is a debit or credit to your account. If we complete a foreign currency exchange on your behalf, such as exchanging a foreign currency incoming wire transfer into U.S. dollars , we may apply a rate we have established without prior notice to you.

Additional terms specific to outgoing wire transfers or consumer international wire transfers are contained in your wire transfer agreements.


Online wires sent to a bank outside the U.S. in foreign currency have no Chase wire fee for amounts $5,000 USD or more. Only a $5 Chase wire fee when less than $5,000 USD.


Chase Mobile® app is available for select mobile devices. Message and data rates may apply.

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Article information

Author: Jessica Smith

Last Updated: 1703837762

Views: 766

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Author information

Name: Jessica Smith

Birthday: 1978-10-10

Address: 587 Davidson Shoal Apt. 106, West Caitlyn, OH 80278

Phone: +4289953974530739

Job: Radiologist

Hobby: Tennis, Poker, Scuba Diving, Painting, Photography, Cooking, Singing

Introduction: My name is Jessica Smith, I am a rare, talented, strong-willed, tenacious, unyielding, venturesome, welcoming person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.